RFID Canteen for School and College

Using the same RFID Card, students can also enjoy the services of the Canteen with the E-Canteen System. Parents/Students can load money (at your convenient time) using the same RFID card for payment transaction in the school canteen. Safer than bringing cash to school everyday, this feature also reduces stealing & bullying associated with cash (extortion) among students. With its on-screen photo ID security feature, it also protects stolen or lost card from being use by somebody else except the card owner himself. Cashless technology from the same RFID provider! Making our lives easier and better!

How it Works

  •  Select food item and quantity.
  •  Show Id card on device, enter amount and press enter.
  •  SMS to parents for food items taken and amount deducted
  •  Available balance in ID card is displayed on LCD screen and receipt generated.

Why RFID Canteen

  •  Cashless transaction using student's Id cum RFID card.ID Card to Store Balance Information.
  •  No Need to Keep Cash at all Times and ask for change or pocket money from parents
  •  Prepaid and Postpaid accounts
  •  SMS to parents for food items taken by child
  •  Online monitoring of student's eating habits
  •  Eliminates human error in accounting and increase efficiency by speeding up the overall process
  •  Parents can customize allowed food items for their child and plan their menu.


  •  Auto-selected Item
  •  Blocked Users
  •  Cashless Transactions
  •  Customized Menu and Menu Schedule
  •  Customized Reports in Various File Formats
  •  ESS for Cafeteria Management
  •  Food Planning
  •  Integration with Payroll/Billing
  •  Prepaid/Postpaid Account